Adelaide T&E Systems is a partnership between key personnel responsible for the significant industry based development of ‘Surrogate Technology’, initially conceived many years ago within Australia’s Defence Science and Technology Organisation’s (DSTO) Human Surrogate Program.
The experienced team at Adelaide T&E Systems have a proven record of delivering innovative surrogate based solutions, both on time and on budget, and most importantly, without compromise. This is achieved by teamwork, knowledge, experience and a process of continuous improvement. Adelaide T&E Systems is dedicated to being the international leader in providing quality human surrogate test platforms and related services which meet or exceed the expectations of our customers.
Adelaide T&E Systems is based in Adelaide, South Australia, which is regarded as Australia’s defence state and high-technology centre for the nation’s defence industry. This defence capability is underpinned by the presence of the DSTO and five universities.
Recently, Adelaide T&E Systems gained inclusion within the Defence Recognised Supplier Scheme (DRSS). The DRSS was generated by the Australian Government to provide recognition of those companies which had already satisfactorily supplied defence products or services to the Australian Defence Organisation (ADO). The ADO is respected internationally as a high technology organisation that utilises some of the most advanced and innovative products available. This recognition by Defence is an important marketing discriminator, and should increase the confidence of international clients to deal with Adelaide T&E Systems. |